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Just as with the Moorlife Bath and Mask, the Moorlife drink is 100% naturally occurring herbal Moor from Neydharting in Austria, and presented exactly as Nature prepared it. Being made up entirely of a unique variety of some 700 healing herbs and plants, this herbal peat has been suspended in pure alpine spring water and carefully broken down by nature and the effects of time over some 30,000 years to produce a substance that is complex, it cannot be duplicated by science. Over the years, the organic compounds in the Moor – a rich combination of phyto-minerals, micronutrients, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, and rare organic acids – have been broken down to such a state as to be more bio-available than can be achieved in a laboratory. This not only means that the compounds can penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, but can also be rapidly absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract when taken internally, without having to rely on the need on the body’s digestive system. But unlike any other synthetic or organic supplement, the Moorlife Drink does not only offer a rich nutritional source, but is unique in providing a rich profile of organic acids which have been proven to balance and optimise the digestive environment of the gastro-intestinal tract. This ensures that not only the nutrients of the Moor are absorbed, but all the precious nutrients of your other foods and supplements. So effective is this role, that in several countries in Europe, this precious nutritional source is paid for under the national health schemes when prescribed by physicians and dieticians to people suffering from hyper-acidity and a host of gastro-intestinal and digestive imbalances.

Being a complex combination of such a variety of herbs in their totally decomposed state, no one herb within the Moor plays a dominant role. This means it is safe to consume in any quantity by anyone. The body will only absorb as much as it needs, and discard the rest. It is generally recommended that most people would be best served by taking a teaspoonful (5ml) a day shortly before a meal. Twice a day for people with a more demanding lifestyle. Though black in colour, it has no taste or flavour, and will not spoil unless frozen or heated.






It took thousands of years and over 700 herbs, plants and flowers to create a substance so complex that science doesn't even come close! The following contains a general analysis of the Neydharting Moor, showing the naturally occurring vitamins, and trace elements which are contained in the Moor. A brief listing of some of the naturally occurring traditionally recognised herbs and the physical symptoms or areas of the body which they are traditionally recognised to help is also included on this page. The Moor is the only 100% naturally occurring substance which contains this extent of beneficial vitamins, trace elements, herbs and other compounds.

Of the 700 herbs found to be contained in the Moor, some of the identified healing Moor plants have been listed along with their traditionally accepted individual tratement application Click an the letters to begin viewing a portion of the herbs which make up the Moor.

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